Losing balance

There's a theme to this post but it covers many areas. Let's talk about balance.

Since I lost my mum/the Covid Pandemic happened/I had a baby, I've been pretty introverted. I've turned inwards in a way that is quite unfamiliar to me and it had me wondering if I was broken. Am I going to be unable to connect with people at all eventually? Have I spent so much time looking inward I've stopped participating outward? 

No man is an island, and all that 

No, of course not. It's just about balance. It's all about balance really.

And that's why lockdown has shafted people quite so hard - because there's no balance at all, for anyone, in any of their circumstances. We're all living in extremes and that is unnatural. 

Extreme loneliness
Extreme grief
Extreme parenting
Extreme fear
Extreme social withdrawal
Extreme financial loss
Extreme amount-of-time-spent-with-people-we-live-with
Extreme crisis

Coming out of lockdown will be interesting. We are all going to need to rebalance and that might be quite tricky. Our response might be to meet extremes with extremes and what effect will that have? Those who have been mostly alone won't have the energy to suddenly be never-alone, regardles of the desire. Couples who need space might run a mile from each other and find they've run so far they now have too much space.

I reckon there's going to be a fascinating period of rebalancing ahead. 

But there's a much more important balance we need to focus on recalibrating. This period of extremes is an epic opportunity to rebalance our extreme impact on the planet. 

Right now we're using the resources of 1.5 earths - that's not a sustainable balance. We don't have one and a half earths. That is the very definition of unbalanced. 

As our perspectives shift in our personal lives, so too must our way of life. We HAVE to change how we live on this earth, dramatically and quickly. Or we are signing our own death certificates. 

And maybe, environmentally, the other extreme might be a good idea. Maybe we should go full-speed into giving back to the earth rather than taking from it - to replenish some of our destruction and move to rebalancing our relationship with this planet. 

We already can't handle the extreme weather we're seeing more of, and this is the tip of the iceberg

But you see it's not the planet we are killing - the planet will find a way to save itself. 
It is our ability to survive on the planet, once we have caused it to change to extremes. It is US we are killing -we are headed for our own extinction.

The damage might already be done. I suspect it is in a lot of ways. 

My suspicion is covid is nature's way of killing off some of the planet's own virus (us). So Mother Earth is already trying to rid herself of us parasites. Nature's rebellion has begun and we need to do SO much more to turn this around. 

It is everyone's job, everyone's duty and everyone's issue. 

No longer can "the environment" be a news subcategory so far down on the list we don't even click ok it. It can't be something that a few people post about on Facebook that everyone ignores. 

It is everyone's issue and to be honest - it's the only issue that matters.

Anything else that we concern ourselves with is irrelevant. Because if we kill off our species, as we're well on track to do, there will be no one left to be concerned about anything. 

No urgent, huge action = no more life. How's that for balance? 
