Losing balance
There's a theme to this post but it covers many areas. Let's talk about balance . Since I lost my mum/the Covid Pandemic happened/I had a baby, I've been pretty introverted. I've turned inwards in a way that is quite unfamiliar to me and it had me wondering if I was broken. Am I going to be unable to connect with people at all eventually? Have I spent so much time looking inward I've stopped participating outward? No man is an island, and all that No, of course not. It's just about balance. It's all about balance really. And that's why lockdown has shafted people quite so hard - because there's no balance at all, for anyone, in any of their circumstances. We're all living in extremes and that is unnatural. Extreme loneliness Extreme grief Extreme parenting Extreme fear Extreme social withdrawal Extreme financial loss Extreme amount-of-time-spent-with-people-we-live-with Extreme crisis Coming out of lockdown will be interesting. We